Adi Shankara
Isn’t the Guru’s grace indeed wonderful? Generally, to bring out the sweetness or beauty of something that is wonderful, wise ones use similes and comparisons. “The face was bloomed like a lotus,” they would use the lotus as a simile …
We shall relish, little by little, the rasa in Sri Madhurageethams, compositions of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, in the form of ‘questions to relish’, which we call as a ‘quelish’, as shared by his disciple Sri Ramanujamji. (These …
How Does True Jnana and Bhakti Dawn? India, known as Bharat, is a land filled with mahatmas who dwell in the Supreme bliss. The term bhArat is derived from the word ‘bhArata:’. In Sanskrit, bhArata: means bhA rUpe brahmaNi ratA: …
Madhurageetham Series Brahma Stuti – Part 4 Srimad Bhagavata Purana is an elixir in this age of Kali. Srimad Bhagavatam is the ambrosia for the minds of those who have once tasted but a drop of the nectar from this …
Madhurageetham – Sri Krishna Leela 16 O Mind, Fly to Brindavan For the past two months, we have been relishing Sri Swamiji’s songs on the grandeur, beauty, and sanctity of Brindavan – a land devoid of animosity, greed, and jealousy. …
Madhura Geetham – Sloka Series “Athichoodi” is a type of poetic work (in Tamil) that comprises of a collection of one-line philosophical verses. HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji has composed a “Vedanta Athichoodi”, a poetic work that speaks of life’s most important …
Madhura Geetham – Sloka Series “Athichoodi” is a type of poetic work (in Tamil) that comprises of a collection of one-line philosophical verses. HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji has composed a “Vedanta Athichoodi”, a poetic work that speaks of life’s most important …
HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji has composed a “Vedanta Athichoodi”, a poetic work that speaks of life’s most important principles. This article speaks about “Aimpulan Adakku” – one of the Athichoodi verses.
The mind and the senses are related and affect each other. The five senses provide constant stimuli to the mind and in turn trigger different thoughts in our mind and keep the mind completely engaged. But this constant engagement is detrimental because it saps mental energy. Mental energy is akin to water flowing in a canal. If too many outlets are dug in a canal, the water gets diverted and the flow in the main canal decreases.
It is thus imperative that one should keep his senses in control in order to progress in spiritual life.
In a freely flowing conversation, Sri Swamiji answered four vital questions on our sampradayam (tradition) to a devotee, who questioned with humility and simplicity. This will be presented in four parts over the next four issues. Here is the third question. Devotee: Sri Swamiji, I have …