
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born to Sachi  Devi and Jagannath Mishra  on February 18, 1486 in a town called Navadweep. He used to be fondly known as Nimai. He had an elder brother by the name of Viswarupa. Even when Nimai …


Feb 10, 2013 was Sri Purandara Dasa’s Aradhana day. A great saint known for his beautiful compositions filled with devotion, he was one who exhorted all to sing the Names of the Lord! In a well-known song, he sings, “When …


Abhirami Bhattar was the name given to Subramaniya Iyer by the Maratha King Saraboji about 300 years ago. Do you know how he earned such a name? Subramaniya was born to a pious couple in a small village called Thirukadaiyur …


Sage Narada is generally considered a mischief-monger and a troublemaker by many casual readers of our Puranas. It is believed that wherever he appears, confusion and perplexity follow; and he is said to be one who revels in creating kalaham …


Once upon a time their lived a pious couple named Mrikandu and Marudvati. They were very devoted to Lord Shiva. They did not have any children and sincerely prayed to the Lord for one. Lord Shiva appeared in their dream …


Pages of Inspiration–Book Review YOGI SRI KRISNAPREM Author: Dilip Kumar Roy Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan First Edition: 1968 This riveting book about a great soul, Sri Krishnaprem,** authored by renowned Bengali singer and musician, and disciple of Sri Aurobindo, Dilip …


It’s that time of the year again when people across the US gather together to thank God for his bounty: Thanksgiving Day! A happy time for gratitude, celebration and appreciation of all that Bhagavan continues to do for us. In …


“Tulasi Kalyanam” or “Tulasi Vivah” which commemorates the marriage of Tulasi Devi with the Lord is celebrated on Kaisika Dwadasi (also known as Uttana Dwadasi) in the month of Karthika. This year it fell on Nov 7, 2011. Let’s see …


As age catches up, people realize the transient nature of all things they aspired for. Fame, beauty and wealth did not provide the permanent satisfaction they sought, and now have been replaced with wrinkles, fear and ill-health. Generally, elderly people …


Pages of Inspiration–Book Review Book: Mister God, This is Anna Author: Fynn Publisher: Ballantine Books, First Edition 1974 “The diffrense [sic] from a person and an angel is easy. Most of an angel is in the inside and most of a …


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