Grace of God
The entire edifice of Indian philosophical thought, known as Sanatana Dharma is founded firmly on the Vedas. Veda means wisdom, knowledge or vision. It is the perennial wisdom of ages. Vedas are the original scriptures of Hindu teachings, and contain …
In Srimad Bhagavatam, * In the 1st Canto, we see the story of how little son of a poor widow (Narada’s earlier birth), who earned her living as a servant maid, attained God through mere association of holy men. * Again in …
On January 1 every year, His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji conducts a Mahamantra Mass Prayer in a various cities in India. This year, the fortunate place was Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. The event was attended by 5000 people and …
kshaNArdhenApi tulye na svargam nApunarbhavam | bhagavat sangi sangasya martyAnAm kimutAshiSha: || Sri Rudra says, “The value of a moment’s association with the devotee of the Lord cannot be compared to the heavens or even Liberation, and so what to speak …
Pages of Inspiration–Book Review YOGI SRI KRISNAPREM Author: Dilip Kumar Roy Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan First Edition: 1968 This riveting book about a great soul, Sri Krishnaprem,** authored by renowned Bengali singer and musician, and disciple of Sri Aurobindo, Dilip …
Who can refute the fact that it is only due to the grace of the Almighty that everything happens in this world? But this does not mean we should refrain from carrying out our duties. That will only be escapism. Nor can …
Brahma is the Lord of creation. Knowledge (’vidya’) is the basis for creation. So Saraswati is his consort and she is said to reside in the tongue of Brahma. Lord Vishnu sustains the world; to support this work, the primary …