Grace of God

An entire plane filled with passengers disappears, never to be found again. It could be a plane we are on. A sudden tornado kills people in a neighborhood. It could be our neighborhood. There’s a shooting in an elementary school; …


This series chronicles sweet and amazing experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as certain divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” by Dr. A. Bhagyanathan, personal secretary to Sri Swamiji, that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine, in India.
In this issue – read how Sri Swamiji’s pooja murthi, Sri Premika Varadan, answered a devotee’s prayer on time.


All the scriptures of Sanatana Dharma strongly proclaim that in this Age of Kali, chanting the Divine Names of God (Nama Sankirtan) is the easiest way to attain God. kalau kalmasHa chittAnAm pApa dravyOpa jIvinAm | vidhikriyA vihInAnAm gatir gOvinda …


Narendra was a naughty five year old. He liked to play all the time and most of his plays ended up in some kind of mischief. The neighbors would come to his mother, complain about him and criticize his behavior. …


Excerpts from Jan 1, 2013 Mass Prayer conducted by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji The holy land of Bharat is home to a multitude of great scriptures ranging from the Upanishads, the Puranas, Itihasas to the divine pasurams of Azhwars …


The purpose of all mind quests is to stop that very questioning mind. The purpose of all action is to nullify the results of past actions. The purpose of all efforts is freedom. The purpose of all learning is to …


Kalidas was a renowned classical Sanskrit poet recognized for valuable contributions to Sanskrit literature. But Kalidas was not always a genius! As a young man Kalidas was so dim-witted, that one time he fell off the tree when he tried …


Abhirami Bhattar was the name given to Subramaniya Iyer by the Maratha King Saraboji about 300 years ago. Do you know how he earned such a name? Subramaniya was born to a pious couple in a small village called Thirukadaiyur …


Sant Kabir Das is a great Mahan who lived in north India only a few hundred years ago. He is famous for his dohas – simple 2-line poems that convey very profound spiritual concepts. In his dohas, Kabir Das sings …


Once Sage Durvasa visited Hastinapura with thousands of his disciples. Duryodhana and rest of the Kauravas received him with respect, honored him and served them all humbly. Sage Durvasa was very pleased by the Kauravas’ hospitality and blessed them. When …


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