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In the Devikaalottaram, a scripture that has been hailed and translated by Sri Ramana Maharshi, Lord Shiva speaks in detail about the stringent, advaitic path of self-enquiry. But at the very end, He reveals a surprisingly simple but completely unexpected secret!


Learnings from Srimad Bhagavatam Bhagavata Dharma is the easiest and yet the most secretive dharma or path to God. Here, the devotee finds refuge in the Lord and spends every moment in His constant remembrance. In Srimad Bhagavatam, Lord Yama …


EARTH DAY SPECIAL—April 22 In Srimad Bhagavatam(10:22:29-35) we find Krishna speaking to the Gopas about the role of trees. Seeing the trees serve Him as parasols shading Him from the scorching sun, Krishna points to the nobility of the trees in …


In Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavan  reveals to Arjuna that he can let go of all his  dharma and just take refuge unto Him – “sarva dharmAn parityajya mAmekam sharaNamvraja.” Srimad Bhagavatam goes on to illustrate this supreme secret of sharaNAgathi  (surrender) …


New Year 2014 Message from HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji A baby, when born on earth, involuntarily looks for its mother. God has provided ‘motherly love’ in the parents of all creatures, so that they take care of their young. …


In the seventh canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, in answer to King Parikshith’s question requesting Sri Shuka to dispel his doubt whether Lord Narayana was partial (to the Devas) or impartial, Sri Shuka says: “… yad bhAgavata mAhAtmyaḿ bhagavad bhakti vardhanam…” …


Learnings from Srimad Bhagavatam Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana is a “Paramahamsa Samhita” as it is a collection of the revelations not only of the Supreme Lord,  but also of the devotees of the Lord. The Purana lakshana or characteristic of “Poshanam” …


We human beings are, in general, a rather confused lot. We always tend to mix up things… do one thing where something else should be done and vice versa. And in the realm of spirituality, this is even more true. …


Srimad Bhagavatam is so called not only because it contains the stories of Bhagavan but also because it is filled with stories of bhagavatas, the devotees of Bhagavan. These stories illustrate to us the qualities needed to attain Bhagavan and …


Srimad Bhagavatam reveals the supreme secret in its very first sloka where it uses the phrase -“satyam param dhimahi” (Let us meditate on the Supreme Lord of the nature of Truth). Bhagavan is the absolute truth and He alone is …


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