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Gratitude, the mother of all virtues, is profound thankfulness.  It is a seed sown in the soil of love and humility. This seed sprouts out a new life full of happiness and contentment. Generally, only mahaans (great saints) are found …


Scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam bring us face to face with the lives of bhagavatas (great devotees of the Lord). Interestingly, the situations they faced are not very different from those we face today, although the timelines are eras apart. However, the very reason they …


The second Sunday in May has come to be celebrated as Mother’s Day the world over. This is a perfect occasion to acknowledge and appreciate a mother’s inherent characteristics of Love and Sacrifice – the two pillars that ‘motherhood’ is …


All Mahans – great yogis, jnanis and bhaktas who renounced the whole world for spiritual prowess, for Self-Knowledge, for the sake of their Lord – have nevertheless had a soft corner for their mothers. Sri Adi Shankara, the great Jnani …


Prayers are extremely powerful. They have an innate spiritual power. Sincere, deep and constant prayer lightens and clears the mind of worries and in fact, bestows the great fruits of strength of mind, peace and purity on the person who …


With the Grace of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, the “Hare Rama.. Hare Krishna” Mahamantra has been chanted everyday for the last 3 years at USA’s very own Namadwaar Prayer House. The Houston Namadwaar is one …


All the scriptures of Sanatana Dharma strongly proclaim that in this Age of Kali, chanting the Divine Names of God (Nama Sankirtan) is the easiest way to attain God. kalau kalmasHa chittAnAm pApa dravyOpa jIvinAm | vidhikriyA vihInAnAm gatir gOvinda …


February 14th has come to be considered as the day of ‘love’ across the world. What is the highest form of love in this world? Love of God? Perhaps. But mahatmas say that more than our love of God, it …


Excerpts from Jan 1, 2013 Mass Prayer conducted by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji The holy land of Bharat is home to a multitude of great scriptures ranging from the Upanishads, the Puranas, Itihasas to the divine pasurams of Azhwars …


The purpose of all mind quests is to stop that very questioning mind. The purpose of all action is to nullify the results of past actions. The purpose of all efforts is freedom. The purpose of all learning is to …


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