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One day, during a conversation, our Guru Maharaj HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji remarked that devotees who visit Madhurapuri Ashram often report of getting the darshan of Radha Devi.  Even recently Radha Devi appeared in the dreams an Ashram resident. …


Why can’t things ever be smooth for me? Why do I always land a cussed deal in everything? Why is the world such a tough place to live in? Does this rant sound familiar? We are often dissatisfied or frustrated …


Everyone knows what he should be. What someone is and what he should be are never the same. There is always a gap. When someone is not what he should be, he becomes miserable and angry; and he feels jealous …


His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, in his kirtan “Ashtadalapoo”, beautifully speaks about the eight-petalled flower with which one has to worship the Lord. Each petal he refers to here is a quality that the worshipper should possess: Forgiveness, Truth, …


August is “back to school” month in the USA, as children everywhere prepare to begin a new school year. School and college education play a very important role in today’s world. And especially among Indians, it forms the very fabric …


It promised to be a bright, beautiful day. The sun was just peeping above the rooftops in a crisp, fresh, cloudless sky. Birds chirped cheerfully as a light breeze caressed the trees. Colorful flowers bloomed all around the beautiful garden. …


  What is the mukhya prayojana (main purpose) and the mukhya kãrya (main work) of the Guru? Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji says, “The work of the Guru is to stop the manas (mind) that is running towards prakriti (world) and …


Sri Adi Sankara’s name is etched in the history of our religion for reviving the Sanatana Dharma and establishing the philosophy of Advaita. His commentaries on the Brahma Sutra,  the Bhagavat Gita and the Upanishads, not to mention the numerous ‘Prakarana Granthas’ (supporting works) establish without doubt the …


Sage Narada is generally considered a mischief-monger and a troublemaker by many casual readers of our Puranas. It is believed that wherever he appears, confusion and perplexity follow; and he is said to be one who revels in creating kalaham …


Defining the nature of a Mahan (a Realized saint, a Mahatma) can be as challenging as cracking an ‘open secret’. “Gurosthu mounam vyakyanam” it is said, to show how the Guru Dakshinamoorthy gave upadesa to His disciples. And how was that advice? …


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