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 In Dwapara Yuga, one of the 10 avatars of Lord Narayana, Krishna, descended in Mathura. As you all know, a heavenly voice warned Kamsa “that the 8th son of Devaki will finish you” Certainly a vain person like him would …


There are 108 Divya Desams – temples/abodes of Lord Narayana that have been sung by the Azhwars. This month, we will gain knowledge about Naimisharanya, a Divyadesam in Northern India, which is in fact a forest! What is interesting here though is …


Every incarnation taken by Bhagawan is to establish dharma – dharma samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge. Rama and Krishna are called ‘poorna avatharams’ where Vishnu takes form directly and all the powers of God are fully manifested. Ekantha Bhakthas of Krishna (Devotees with one-pointed …


There are 108 Divya Desams – temples/abodes of Lord Narayana that have been sung by the Azhwars. Of these, 106 are on this earth, while two are beyond this world. Take this quiz to learn more about, the Divya Desam …


Sage Shuka was the son of Sage Veda Vyasa, and the narrator of the Bhagavata Purana. Sage Shuka was a garbha-shriman – one who was born a self-realized soul. So how was the renowned sage born? Sage Shuka was Radha …


There are 108 Divya Desams – temples/abodes of Lord Narayana that have been sung by the Azhwars. Of these, 106 are on this earth, while two are beyond this world. Those two are ThiruPaarkadal or Paarkadal (the Ocean of Milk) …


After the Mahabharata war, full of anger, Ashwathama wanted to destroy the Kuru Dynasty. He knew Uttara was expecting a baby who would be so far the last prince of the Kurus. If he killed the baby, the Kurus will …


This month we start a quiz series on the Divya Desams—holy places sung by the Azhwars. The first one is on the famous Srirangam in Tamil Nadu. 1. Name the incarnation of Lord Vishnu whose family deity was Lord Ranganatha …


Young Reader’s Contribution Srimad Bhagavatam is a gem given to us by the Lord Himself. It is verily Radha Krishna swaroopam. It teaches us to live our life the proper way. In the tree of our Vedas and Upanishads Srimad …


Gopashtami is a celebration of the Lord protecting His beloved Gopas, Gopis and cows. Here’s a quiz about this and other special days that occur this time of the year. 1. What was the name that was conferred on Lord …


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