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Sri Ramanujamji’s 5-day program in Orlando titled “Sampoorna Krishna Katha” was very well received and enjoyed by everyone. The program was held at Casselberry Hindu temple – New extension from October 16 through October 20 2015. Although the program was …
By the grace of Sri Swamiji, a special Akanda Nama satsang was conducted by Orlando GOD Chapter, at the residence of Sujatha ji and Balaji ji. Around 15 devotees attended the blissful and vibrant satsang on Saturday, August 22nd 2015 , where devotees …
By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji,a special satsang was conducted by Orlando GOD Chapter, at the residence of Prajakata ji and Anand ji on Friday, July 10 2015 commemorating the special occasion of Purushottama Masa (Adika Masa). About 30 …
By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji, GOD Chapter of Orlando was immensely blessed with Sri Poornimaji’s 3-day satsang programs in Orlanda from April 3-5th 2015. Despite change in venue at the last minute, about 45 people attended each day …
Florida GOD Satsang conducted a 4-hour Akandanama at the residence of Sri.Nagarajan and Smt.Ranjini on Saturday, February 21, 2015 on the occasion of their son (Badri’s) birthday. A total of about 20 devotees participated, and filled the atmosphere with blissful …
By the grace of Sri Swamiji and the divine couple, Sri Madhuri Sakhi Sameda Sri Premika Varadhan Thakurji, a 4-hour Akandanama was conducted by Orlando GOD Satsang, at the residence of Prajakata ji and Anand ji on Wednesday, December 31st 2014. About …
Sri Ramanujamji conducted a Radha Kalayanam to the divine couple, Sri Madhuri Sametha Sri Premika Varadan on Friday, Novemeber 7th 2014, at the residence of Sri Madanagopal and Mrs.Vaijayanthi in Orlando, Florida. Ashtapatis and kirtans composed by Sri Swamiji were …
By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji, Sri Ramanujamji’s two-day satsang trip to Florida was indeed very memoriable. He delivered a two-day lecture series on ‘Bhagavatha Dharma Made Simple’ at Hindu Temple of Casselberry, Florida on November 5th and 6th …
By the infinite grace and compassion of Sri Swamiji, a 12-hour Akandanama was conducted by Orlando GOD Satsang on Sunday May 4th 2014, at the residence of Sri.Nagarajan ji and Mrs. Ranjini ji. About 20 devotees participated in this blissful event, and …