Blog Archives

By the immense grace of our GuruMaharaj and Madhuri Sakhi sametha Premika Varadhan Takurji we had a successful GK summer camp 2020. A big shout out to our teen teachers who not only inspired the younger kids but the adults …

By the immense blessing of our Sri Swamiji, Seattle Namadwaar Satsangees celebrated the auspicious month of Margazhi by doing Mahamantra Nakshatra Yagna home Satsangs and by inviting local music schools to Namadwaar to do Sangeetha kainkaryam to our Sri Swamiji …

By the immense blessings of Sri Swamiji and Sri Premika Varadan and Madhurisakhi, Seattle Namadwaar celebrated the first Anniversary from Nov.8th- Nov. 10th and from Nov.16th- Nov.22nd with Srimad Bhagavatha Parayanam, Srimad Bhagavatha Katha, Radha Kalyanam, Govinda Pattabhishekam, and Kids …

By the immense blessings of our Gurunathar and Sri Premika Varadan and Madhuri Sakhi, Seattle Namadwaar celebrated Navaratri Mahotsav. Bomma Golu was arranged, many families visited Namadwaar on Sept: 28th and 29th for the first time chanted Nama and enjoyed …

With the blessings of Sri Guruji and Sri Madhuri Sakhi sameta Sri Premika varada takurji, Radhastami was celebrated grandly at Seattle Namadwaar. All Gopakuteeram kids and families participated in this event. The event started with reciting Radhika Panchakam, Radhika Ashtakam, …

By the immense grace of Sri Guruji, Gokulashtami was celebrated at Seattle Namadwaar on 23rd, 24th, and 25th of August. Day 1 celebration started with Srimad Bhagavata Parayanam (10.1, 10.2, 10.3), Nandotsavam and Divyanaamam on the Janmashtami day, Aug 23rd. …

Sri Poornimaji visited Seattle and conducted a three-day program on 3/8, 3/9 and 3/10 at the Seattle Namadwaar. The three days of utsavam was led by Sri Poornimaji. It was blissful, filled with bhajans from Madhurageethams, Nama chanting, Bhagavatha Parayanam …

By the immense blessings of Sri Gurunathar and Sri Premika varadan and Madhuri Sakhi, Seattle Satsangis celebrated margazhi month with Mahamantra Nakshatra Yagna(MaNY), from Dec. 16th -Jan.19th; we had satsangs at various houses everyday evening with mahamantra chanting and a …

With the divine grace of our beloved Sri Gurunathar and blessings of Sri Premikavaradhan Madhuri Sakhi, Seattle Namadwaar inauguration took place on the auspicious Sri Guru Jayanti day on Wednesday, Nov. 7th, 2018. Seattle Satsang group did Paduka pravesham in …