With immense grace of Guru Maharaj & infinite mercy of Madhuri Sakhi sametha Premika Varadan, 200+ Little Gopi’s & Gopa’s hailing across 34 North American cities were blessed to take part in Srimad Bhagavata Saptaha parayanam between Dec 19 to – Dec 25 2020 where in entire 18000 slokas of Srimad Bhagavatam was exclusively read by children of Age 2 – 22. Being the divine month of Margazhi, daily morning satsangs started off with a group of children from various cities reciting Thiruppavi. Then each kid took chapter wise turns to read Srimad Bhagavata slokas slated for that day.
Entire satsang was conducted online through Zoom between 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM EST daily.
For those little kids in the age group of 2.5 – 8, their parents helped them to read it sloka by sloka.
Utsav culminated on the auspicious day of Vaikunta Ekadasi which also happened to be Gita Jayanti. On Poorthi Utsav, kids did recite Vishnu Sahasranamam, Bhagavat Gita Chapter 12, Ashtotra Namavali’s and Bhagavata harathi. It is to be noted that more than quarter of the participants were first timers to Bhagavata parayanam during this Utsav.
Sri Ramanujamji – senior disciple of Sri Swamiji joined the Poorthi Utsav and conducted a Poorthi Satsang with Prayers for more such Bala Bhagavata Utsav’s in years to come.
Watch Sri Ramanujamji’s blessing message to the children, parents, and volunteers here: https://youtu.be/_uv45M292HA