Just like the previous years, the wonderful ‘Govindanukku Aatpatta Kudumbam’ of Sri Swamiji welcomed the new year 2015 with a Nama relay in the spirit of Sri Swamiji’s Kirtan ‘Ulagam ariyacheiven’ where the Universal Nama reverberates in every corner of the Universe.
This was the 4th consecutive year of ‘Global Nama Relay’. On the first Saturday of January – Jan 3rd 2015, Nama relay covering the entire globe started from Fiji/New Zealand and ended in California / Seattle USA in a 24-hour period. Nama was chanted in the presence of portraits of Sri Madhuri-Sakhi sametha Sri Premika Varadhan Thakurji and Sri Swamiji.
The Global Nama relay baton was passed on to the East Coast in USA at 3pm EST. Devotees from Boston, Virigina, North Carolina, Atlanta, Florida, Michigan and New York chanted nama until 5pm EST. The baton was then passed on to Central/Midwest at 4pm CST. The devotees from Houston, Dallas, Minneapolis, Mliwaukee and Chicago took part in the Global Nama relay. Devotees from west coast from California and Seattle chanted Nama from 4pm to 6pm PST and concluded with Kaliyayum Bali Kollum kirtan.
Close to 250 devotees took part in this Global Nama Relay.