Guru Poornima was celebrated with Radha Kalyanam on Saturday, July 4th 2020 by Detroit GOD Satsang.
By the immense grace of Sri Sri Guru Maharaj Radha Kalyanam conducted at Sri Balaji Temple of Great Lakes on Saturday, July 4th 2020
In the evening around 2.00 pm Detroit GOD satsang members performed “Radha Kalyanam”. The divine wedding started off with Mahamantra kirtan for 30 minutes followed by Radha Kalyanam sing Ashtapathi and concluded wonderfully at 5.00 pm.
Sampradaya Bajans and Ashtapathis was sung by the Satsang members. The devotees also participated through Zoom Remote Meeting. The Radha Kalyanam went on very well and was well appreciated.