By the immense grace of Sri Swamiji and the blessings of the divine couple Sri Madhuri Sakhi Sametha Sri Premika Varadan, Toronto GOD families celebrated Sri Swamiji Jayanthi in a grand manner. During the week of November 4-9 2018, all the families chanted Mahamantra in their homes and collectively all the hours of Mahamantram chanted were offered to Sri Swamiji.
On Saturday, November 10th, 2018 a 5 hour long satsang was held which included chanting of Mahamantram, Vishnu sahasranamam and Guru Kirtans. This was then followed by devotees lighting 57 candles and cake cutting by children, Arathi and Mahaprasadam.
All the devotees participated with full enthusiasm and everyone felt the Grace of Sri Guruji overflowing.