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Remembering A Very Fortunate Devotee
“Whenever a great being appears, he comes with his retinue. When Bhagavan incarnated on earth, we too came to serve him. Once our service is over, we will go back to the source.”
Jayanthiji was a tall, majestic, beautiful devotee with sparkling eyes and ears attentive to the Master. A ball of energy that only great bhaktas like Jayanthiji can be, she served her Master with motherly affection all through her life from the day that she had her first darshan of her spiritual Master.
Click here to read more about this great devotee of Sri Swamiji.
Cherished Memoirs 37
Prayers to Sri Swamiji yields sweet fruit
This series chronicles interesting experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as certain divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine in India.
Smt Sandhya and Sri Balaji, who live in America first came to satsang in 2013. Learn how this devout couple’s prayers were fulfilled through Nama sankritan, satsang and prayers to Sri Swamiji.
Madhura Geetam – Prayer Series: 11
Seek Devotion as Alms
In this series, we present, each month, a prayer kirtan composed by His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. These kirtans underline the importance of prayers and beautifully show us how we should pray.
Bhakti is the Lord’s prized possession. He does not bestow it to one easily.
Therefore Sri Swamiji says, it is essential to pray incessantly to the Lord for Bhakti and not for anything else.
In the deeply moving kirtan, “Bhakti Bhikshai Ittiduvai”, set in Ahiri raga, Sri Swamiji shows us how to plead to the Lord for Bhakti.
Click here for the kirtan.
Young Reader’s Contribution
Krishna – Precious gems for fruits!
Young writer, Vatsalya Senapathi from Dallas, TX, narrates this beautiful episode in the life of Lord Krishna that shows the magnanimity of the Lord.
Divya Desam Series – Mathura
There are 108 Divya Desams – temples/abodes of Lord Narayana that have been sung by the Azhwars. This month, the quiz is about Mathura, the birth place of Lord Krishna.
News of the month (May – June 2016)
Sri Poornima ji’s Satsangs across the US:
Satsangs in and around Alberta, Canada
** By the grace of Madhuri Sakhi Samedha Premika Varadhan and Sri Swamiji, Edmonton devotees and and families were blessed to listen to Sri Poornimaji’s discourses for 5 days from May 20 –May 24 2016.
A 3-day Discourse Series was held on ‘Bhagavad Gita- Bhakti Yoga’ at Hindu Society of Alberta. Click here for the detailed report
A 2-day discourse series was held on “Hanumath Prabhava” at Bharatiya Cultural Society of Alberta. Click here for the detailed report
Virginia Namadwaar Inaugration, Richmond, VA
** With the boundless grace of Sri Swamiji and Smt Madhuri Sakhi Sametha Sri Premika Varadhan Thakurji, inauguration of “Virginia Namadwaar” was grandly celebrated as Madhura Utsav and Ram Leela Mela from 26-May- 2016 to 30-May- 2016 in the divine presence of Sri Poornimaji. “Virginia Namadwaar” has been blessed to be the second in the United States, the first being in the Southwest region (Houston, Texas) and is the 5th Namadwaar to be inaugurated internationally to propagate Nama Kirtan all over the world according to Guru Maharaj’s vision. Click here for the detailed report
Satsangs in Boston, MA
** Madhura Gitam and Gopa Kuteeram Anniversary was celebrated on May 31st 2016 in Canton MA. Click here for the detailed report
** Anniversary Celebrations of Sri Premika Varadhan Vishnu Sahasranama Mandali in Quincy MA. Click here for the report.
** Bhakta Vijayam Hari Katha by Sri Poornimaji at Concord MA. Click here for the report.
** Radha Kalayanam for the divine couple was celebrated at Dwarkamai Shirdi Sai Temple in Billerica, MA in the presence of Sri Poornimaji. Click here for the report.
Houston Namadwaar
** By Sri Swamiji’s immense grace, Sri Poornimaji discoursed for four days on Bhakti Yoga from Bhagavad Gita at Houston Namadwaar from June 9 to 12 2016. Click here for the detailed report
Other News:
Dallas Gopa Kuteeram Year End Program
**Gopakuteeram sessions in Dallas are conducted in Plano, Frisco and Coppell areas. This year’s program came to an end with a grand finale on May 2016. Click here for the detailed report
Special Akanda Nama Satsang in Frisco TX
**By the immense grace of Bhagavan and the blessings of Sri Swamiji, a 12 hour akanda nama satsang took place for the first time at the residence of Sri. Sreenivas Sadhanala and Smt. Sireesha Valavala in Frisco TX. Click here for the detailed report
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