Human Values

Once upon a time their lived a pious couple named Mrikandu and Marudvati. They were very devoted to Lord Shiva. They did not have any children and sincerely prayed to the Lord for one. Lord Shiva appeared in their dream …


February 19, 2012 is the jayanti of Chhatrapati Shivaji, a brave and pious Maratha king who lived in India during the 17th century. He fought against and reclaimed India from  foreign invaders, establishing the Maratha empire, which he ruled in …


kshaNArdhenApi tulye na svargam nApunarbhavam | bhagavat sangi sangasya martyAnAm kimutAshiSha: || Sri Rudra says, “The value of a moment’s association with the devotee of the Lord cannot be compared to the heavens or even Liberation, and so what to speak …


It’s that time of the year again when people across the US gather together to thank God for his bounty: Thanksgiving Day! A happy time for gratitude, celebration and appreciation of all that Bhagavan continues to do for us. In …


Sudama was a close friend of Krishna. They studied together at Sage Sandeepani’s gurukulam. After their sojourn with their Guru, they parted. Years later, Krishna became the King of Dwaraka while Sudama lived a life of poverty but with intense …


A person was once given some sweet prasad (consecrated offering) in a bag. The man placed it in a corner, with the intention of eating it a little later. A few minutes later he turned to find a whole horde …


Pages of Inspiration–Book Review Book: Mister God, This is Anna Author: Fynn Publisher: Ballantine Books, First Edition 1974 “The diffrense [sic] from a person and an angel is easy. Most of an angel is in the inside and most of a …


Mahatma Gandhi established an Ashram on the banks of River Sabarmati in Gujarat, India, around 1917, and began to live there. He followed a simple lifestyle and practiced egalitarianism. Gandhiji always stood on his principle, to the end. Mahatma Gandhi, …


Association with mahatmas not only guarantees union with the Lord at the end of our earthly life, but also makes our lives better here and now. Their grace protects us in tough situations and guides us along without us even …


Be the change you want to see. Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. That is the principle that Gandhiji, and all the other great saints of the world, followed every minute of their …


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