Patience is Peerless by Sri Swamiji Patience is indeed a matter of pride. The forbearance of Mother Earth is often cited as an example for this. In life, if one loses patience, some good opportunities might be lost. At home, …
In this quiz, we shall experience the references to various characters in Srimad Ramayana from the nectarine verses in the divine Sri Madhurageethams of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. 1.In which Sri Madhurageetham does Sri Swamiji mention Sabari and …
Bhakti’s roles in spiritual life In science, we have learned that light is present in two states – as a wave and as a particle. When photoelectric cells are present, light acts as a particle, whereas it acts as a …
In Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavan Sri Krishna says to Arjuna, “nAham vedai: na tapasA na dAnena na chejyayA shakya evam-vidho drashTum drshTavAn asi mAm yathA” Neither studying the Vedas, nor severe penance, nor charity nor doing yaagaas can bestow one …
Srimad Bhagavatam, in the very first Canto, shows how the little son (Narada’s earlier birth) of a poor widow, who earned her living as a servant maid, attained God. Srimad Bhagavatam portrays the life of a little child who had …
In the Srimad Bhagavatham, Parikshit asks Shri Shuka maharishi, “If one has commited many sins, in his lifetime can he have redemption to clear him of all his sins ?” In response to this, Shri Shuka maharishi narrates the Ajamila …
We shall relish, little by little, the rasa in Sri Madhurageethams, compositions of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, in the form of ‘questions to relish’, which we call as a ‘quelish’, as shared by his disciple Sri Ramanujamji. (These …
When we listen to Mahans speak and delve a little deeper into Srimad Bhagavatam, only then do we truly begin to appreciate the heart of many wonderful personalities from our scriptures. This can show them in a light very different …