Blog Archives

Questioning Faith and God An interaction between compassionate Sri Swamiji and his young devotee College freshman Advaith Subramanian from the USA, shares that he grew up in an atmosphere where his weekends were filled with Nama chanting and satsang, car …


As devotees and children of Sri Swamiji, we all wish to please our Guru Maharaj. We know that chanting the Mahamantra pleases him immensely. And what else pleases him? Don’t we all desire to know that too? A devotee asked …


This series chronicles sweet experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as some divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month …


Once Sri Swamiji was visiting the Namadwaars located in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu. At that time, a satsang was being conducted in the place that Sri Swamiji was then staying. A devotee from another town located a few …


Seeing God… Is it Possible? From HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji’s Talks Some people say, “Show me God! Ask him to come directly in front of me. Then I will believe that he exists!” Bhagavan cannot be seen with …


The Essentiality of Listening It is very hard for the mind to be focused on something divine when it is used to delving into worldly things for several crores of births. Everyone who falters knows very well that what they …


A Few of Our Experiences with Sri Swamiji To bring our experiences with Sri Sri Guruji into writing is a very difficult task. That too, it is impossible to explain personal experiences. We were blessed with Sri Guruji who is …


In a free-flowing conversation, Sri Swamiji answered four vital questions on our sampradayam (tradition) to a devotee, who questioned with humility and simplicity. This will be presented in four parts over the next four issues. Here is the second question. Devotee: Sri …


In a freely flowing conversation, Sri Swamiji answered four vital questions on our sampradayam (tradition) to a devotee, who questioned with humility and simplicity. This will be presented in four parts over the next four issues. Here is the third question. Devotee: Sri Swamiji, I have …


In a freely flowing conversation, Sri Swamiji answered four vital questions on our sampradayam (tradition) to a devotee, who questioned with humility and simplicity. This will be presented in four parts over the next four issues. Here is the first question. …


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