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Ratha saptami is a festival dedicated to the Sun God that is celebrated around Jan-Feb every year. Here’s a chance to learn more about this auspicious day. 1. Ratha Saptami marks the beginning of this season. A. Summer B. Autumn …


One day, Emperor Akbar and his minister Birbal, with a few soldiers, went on a visit to a nearby province. On the way, as they galloped on their horses, Akbar noticed Birbal moving his lips constantly. When asked, Birbal said …


Hanuman jayanti was celebrated on January 11, 2013 in several parts of India and the world. On this special occasion, let’s test your knowledge about this endearing, powerful and humble divine figure.. 1. Name the “nama” that is being incessantly …


Kalidas was a renowned classical Sanskrit poet recognized for valuable contributions to Sanskrit literature. But Kalidas was not always a genius! As a young man Kalidas was so dim-witted, that one time he fell off the tree when he tried …


This month the auspicious occasion of Tulasi Kalyanam or Tulasi Vivah is celebrated across the world by Hindus. Tulasi is a holy plant who is considered to be an incarnation of the Lord’s consort. The plant is worshipped and revered …


Abhirami Bhattar was the name given to Subramaniya Iyer by the Maratha King Saraboji about 300 years ago. Do you know how he earned such a name? Subramaniya was born to a pious couple in a small village called Thirukadaiyur …


October 2 is the birthday of Gandhiji, the great saint who is the most powerful figure in recent Indian political history and to whom Indians the world over owe their freedom. Think you know all about him? Test your knowledge …


Although ‘Hinduism’ is said to have many ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses’, the truth is that all the gods are different names, forms and attributes of the One Supreme God. Among the various forms of God, Lord Ganesha is considered as the …


We often come across the name “Vishwakarma” in many stories from the Puranas and Itihasas. But little do we know about him except perhaps that he is a heavenly architect. In some parts of India, Vishwakarma Puja is celebrated around …


Young Reader’s Contribution — Short Story Rakesh was simple 13-year-old boy who loved to tinker with electronics. He loved to take things apart and put them back together again. Rakesh however did not show any interest in his studies, which …


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