Blog Archives
What does it mean to be spiritual? Fundamentally, “to lead a spiritual life” means simply making decisions based on a higher purpose in life. To make these decisions, we need what is called ‘Vivekam’. Vivekam can be translated as the …
In the early days of the Internet era, one fine day, Sri Swamiji jokingly mentioned that Maya, the divine deluding potency of Bhagavan, has taken a three-pronged incarnation in these times – TV, Cellphone, and the Internet! That was the …
In this series of “Answers and Beyond”, we shall read, understand and enjoy Sri Swamiji’s lucid answers to some thought-provoking questions posed by various devotees. Sri Swamiji’s Answers to Questions Asked by Devotees Question 1: Many people state that the …
Intelligent Living Series – A Gift for Life A series of “Intelligent Living” sessions were conducted by Sri Ramanujamji, disciple of His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, between May and August 2020. Sri Ramanujamji delved deep into many eye-opening …
Seeing God… Is it Possible? From HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji’s Talks Some people say, “Show me God! Ask him to come directly in front of me. Then I will believe that he exists!” Bhagavan cannot be seen with …
What is Meditation, Again? Nowadays, quite often, we hear and learn about meditation in every walk of life. In earlier times, only spiritually-minded people spoke and preached about meditation. But today, all international companies ask their employees to undergo a …
The Essentiality of Listening It is very hard for the mind to be focused on something divine when it is used to delving into worldly things for several crores of births. Everyone who falters knows very well that what they …
Mind Matters It was a dense forest. Many passed that way including caravans of merchants occasionally using this route to reach home quicker. One fine day, one such caravan of merchants saw a very unfamiliar sight. They were very surprised …
Our best friend and worst enemy, the mind, always aims to outsmart us. The sooner we learn its double agent nature, the better, because when we realize who we are up against, we’ll progress faster. Say we resolve to stop …