With boundless grace, our GuruMaharaj Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji and causeless mercy of divine couple Sri Madhuri Sakhi Sametha Premika Varadha Thakurji, Toronto GOD Satsang families were blessed to celebrate Sri Krishna Janmashtami Utsav between Aug 24-Sep 1.
As Utsav started off with Guru Vandanam on Friday Aug-24, devotees recited Bhagavatha Mahatmiyam in the evening. Between Aug-25 to Aug-31, many devotees participated and took turns in reciting of each chapter of Srimath Bhagavatham. While reading significant Bhaktha Charitram’s, Madhura Gitam kirtans of our GuruMaharaj, correlating to each Avathar, Bhaktha and Leela of Krishna were rendered. Saptaham culminated in the evening of Aug-31 Friday with Anjaneya Utsav.
On 1st Sept, the grand celebration of the birth of the unborn dawned with Akanta Mahamantra chanting and the reciting of Krishnavathara chapters from the 10th Canto followed by Nandotsavam, Dhivyanaama, Kolaatam by little Gopis and Dolotsav. Many families relished the fortune of being part of the celebration. Dinner Prasad was distributed to all.