The month of May at Houston Namadwaar concluded with a wonderful Vasantotsavam on May 28th and 29th. Madhurisakhi and Premikavaradan were seated on a beautifully decorated Oonjal (swing). A total of 100 devotees attended the celebrations to chant nama and sing kirtans in praise of the divine couple.
A few weeks later, on June 19th, a Grand Carnatic Vocal concert was held at Houston Namadwaar. Sri Chandrashekhar Kalyanaraman ji accompanied by Sri Mukund Josyula ji on the violin and Sri Vishal Setlur ji on the mridangam rendered kirtans and kruthis in praise of Perumal which included a few Madhurageethams. About 80 devotees had the bhagyam of listening to this wonderful musical offering.