Patience is Peerless
Sri Swamiji writes how Patience is an extremely important value. He also speaks of when one should practice patience (when it comes to results) and when one should not practice patience (when it comes to efforts).
Relishing the Venkatesha Vaibhavam Series #11
The story of Vrishabhadri – Part 1
From this month we shall relish the story behind the descent of each of the seven holy hills beginning with the greatness of the Vrishabhadri Hills.
Cherished Memoirs
Whom to Thank – The Cane or The Guide?
Sri Swamiji observes a simple incident and explains an important lesson from it.
Sri Madhurageethams on Srimad Ramayana
In this quiz, we shall experience the references to various characters in Srimad Ramayana from the nectarine verses in the divine Sri Madhurageethams of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji.
News of the Month ( March – April 2023)
Sri Poornimaji’s Satsangs Across the US
2-Day Discourse series by Sri Poornimaji in Irvine, CA
First Satsang at Charleston by Sri Poornimaji, South Carolina
Sri Rama Navami Satsang in Philadelphia by Sri Poornimaji
First Satsang in Delaware by Sri Poornimaji
3-Day discourse series by Sri Poornima in New Jersey, NJ
Srimad Bhagavata Saaram by Sri Poornimaji in Chicago, IL
Chala Pandarila Jaavu – 3 Day Event by Sri Poornimaji in Raleigh, NC
Sri Poornimaji’s Satsang in Denver, Colorado
Other News
Puranava Indian Art & Culture Fest 2023 in Houston TX
Special Satsangs in the month of April at Namadwaar, VA
Akshaya Trithiya Celebrations across the US
Sri Rama Navami Celebration across the US
Upcoming Events:
Sri Poornimaji’s programs in Oklahoma, Austin, & Houston
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