Bhakti Yoga – Bhakti’s roles in spiritual life
Bhakti is key to progress spiritually. What are the various roles of Bhakti in one’s spiritual life? And, why is it key to spiritual progress?
Relishing the Venkatesha Vaibhavam Series #10
Vaikunta on Earth
In this tenth episode, we shall enjoy the greatness of the Holy Tirumala through the verses of Sri Vedanta Desika Swami.
Cherished Memoirs
Never miss any satsang of the master!
Sri Swamiji explains the importance of satsang through a lovely anecdote.
read the article to know more>>
In this month’s quiz, let’s explore the greatness of Ananya Bhakti (one-pointed devotion) through the nectarine verses of the divine Sri Madhurageethams of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji.
News of the Month ( Feb – March 2023)
Sri Poornimaji’s Satsangs Across the US
Sri Poornimaji’s Satsang in Tampa, FL
Bhakta Charitram Satsangs by Sri Poornimaji in Namadwaar, Virginia
Inauguration Of The Edmonton Namadwaar
Bhaktha Charitram by Sri Poornimaji in Phoenix, AZ
Other News
Satsang events in February, Namadwaar Houston Tx
Special Satsangs in the month of March, Namadwaar Houston Tx
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Jayanthi Celebrations across the US
Prathishta Day Celebration in Namadwaar Atlanta, GA
Events around Metro in the month of March, Atlanta GA
Upcoming Events:
Sri Poornimaji’s programs in New Jersey/New York, Boston, Chicago, Raleigh
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