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Prayer – The Solution
Prayer is the solution to all our troubles. But, how should one pray? Does standing in front of the Lord and muttering few shlokas count as prayer? Or, asking the Lord for a favor and offering to do a puja or abhisheka in return count as prayer?
Read the article to know what a sincere prayer is and how it should be done.
Cherished Memoirs
Incidents from the life of Maha Periyava
This series chronicles interesting experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as certain divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine in India, and are written by Dr. A. Bhagyanathan, personal secretary to Sri Swamiji.
June 2 was Vaikasi Anusham, the birth star of Kanchi Maha Periyava. In this episode, Sri Swamiji shares few incidents from the life of Maha Periyava with us.
Click here to read the article
Madhura Geetam – Bharata Pradakshina
Tiruviheendrapuram – Devanatha Swami
In this series, we will go on a pradakshina of Bharata desha as we present, each month, a kirtan composed by His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji on a particular kshetra, starting from south India and then going north and back.
This month we will be visiting Tiruviheendrapuram, a Divyadesam in the Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu. Coincidentally, Cuddalore is also the birth place of Sri Swamiji.
Click here to see Sri Swamiji’s kirtan on the presiding deity Lord Devanatha – Darshanam dehi Devanatha.
KIDS’ CORNER – Kid’s Contribution
Vibhishana Sharanagathi
In Ramayana, Vibhishana warns Ravana about the grave sin he has committed by kidnapping Sita. Ravana refuses to listen to him so Vibhishana leaves Ravana and comes to the enemy camp seeking refuge. Everybody in the enemy camp looks at Vibhishana with suspicion and do not want to have any association with him. What does Lord Rama do?
Quiz Time – Maha Periyava
Maha Periyava’s Jayanthi was on June 2. How much do you know about this great sage from South India?
News of the month (May – June 2015)
Vasantha Utsav Celebration with Sri Poornimaji in Dallas, TX
** A joyous Vasantha Utsav was celebrated in Dallas in the last week of May 2015 .Click here to read the report
3-Day Discourse series by Sri Poornima ji in Houston, TX
** Sri Poornimaji gave a 3 day discourse on the power of Nama and other topics. Click here to read the detailed report.
48-Day Mahamantra Relay in Seattle, WA
** 48-day Mahamanthra relay in Seattle was concluded on June 6, 2015 with special celebrations . Click here for the detailed report
Summer Camps for Kids
Gopa Kuteeram Cultural Camps in Houston, TX
** June 26-28 – Vibrant India – Colors and Languages for ages 5 – 8
** Aug 7-9 – Youth Heritage Camp for ages 8 – 15
For more details contact
Richmond, VA
** July 2-5 – Madhura Utsav at Glen Allen, VA
For details call: 828.66VAGOD or write to
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