Bhakti Sugandham – The True Fragrance of Divine Love!
In a high-stake cricket match, the players get the money, the organizers may get money, the people supporting the event may get money, but the fans who come watch actually pay money to watch this! If you understand this, you can understand the fragrance of divine love!
The bhakti itself gives the devotee joy in itself.
Read the article to understand the true fragrance of Divine Love!
Cherished Memoirs 71
True devotion leads to a Living Mahatma!
A person by the name Balakrishna, is extremely devoted to Sri Guruji. Back in the day, he used to be a devotee of Sri Ramana Maharishi. He frequently visited Thiruvannamalai and performed Giri Pradhakshina of Arunachala. He also stayed at Sri Ramana Maharishi’s Ashram whenever possible. Read this cherished memoir episode to know how his true devotion led him to a living Mahatma!
Click here to read the article
Madhurageetham: Sri Krishna Leela – 6
Putana Moksham – Karuna Moorthi Nee Allavo
The 10th canto in Srimad Bhagavatam is known as “Ashrayam” or “refuge” for Lord Krishna’s devotees for it talks about the Lord’s incarnation and his sweet lilas on this Earth. Sri Swamiji has written beautiful kirtans on these various lilas of Lord Krishna. So, in this series we will relish those lilas of Lord Krishna through Sri Swamiji’s kirtans.
In the song karuNA mUrtthi nIyallavO, Sri Swamiji sings on the infinite compassion of Sri Krishna. Sri Krishna’s compassion knows no bounds and to the persons who have surrendered themselves to Krishna, Bhagavan protects them like a strong fortress wall. Here, Sri Swamiji takes the instance of Putana moksham to describe this compassion of Bhagavan.
Click here to read and be inspired.
Story Time
Life of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu – Illustrated Series – Part 3
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a great saint who unleashed the flood of divine love through the Divine Name. Here is the next part of the comic-strip-type illustrated series on the life of this great saint.
This episode talks about the union of the Divine Lord’s parents – Jagannatha Misrar and Sachi Devi.
Click here to read the third part
The Third Brihadeeswara Temple
Quiz series based on famous monuments in India. Happy answering and learning!
This month’s quiz is based on the third of the three Great Living Chola Temples – the Airavateeswara temple located in Darasuram in Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu.
News of the Month (April & May 2019)
Sri Poornima ji’s Satsang News Across the US & Canada:
Toronto, Canada
May 10-12: “Chala Pandari La Jaavu” by Sri Poornimaji Satsang in Toronto Canada
Richmond, VA
May 3-5: Krishna Leela Sthalam Sri Brindavanam, Virginia inaugurated by Sri Poornima ji
Phoenix, AZ
Apr 26-28: ‘Chala Pandarila Javu’ – A 3-day discourse series by Sri Poornima ji
Other News
Houston, Tx
May 1: Houston Namadwaar New Building Construction Begins
Houston, Tx
May 17: Sri Narasimha Jayanthi Celebrations at Houston Namadwaar
Houston, Tx
Apr 6: Sri Rama Navami Celebrations in Houston Namadwaar
Boston, MA
Apr 27: Gopa Kuteeram Annual Day Celebration
Bay Area, CA
Apr 20: Puranava – Children’s Indian Cultural Fest in Bay Area, CA celebrated on Apr 20
Upcoming Events
Glen Mills, PA
May 31 to June 1 – ‘Chala Pandarila Jaavu’ discourse series by Sri Poornimaji Click to see the flier
Sri Shiva Vishnu Temple, PA
June 2 – Sri Poornimaji’s satsangs. Click to see the flier
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