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Brahmotsav at Madhurapuri
This is a wonderful time of the year for all Krishna bhaktas. It is time for them to congregate and sing and dance enthusiastically to celebrate Janmashtami, the day of birth of their Birthless Lord in the form of a beautiful little blue boy; a form that was taken to enamor the whole world and warm everyone’s hearts with His wonderful lilas.
Come! let us relish the a little drop of the nectarine bliss of the Brahmotsav at Madhurapuri… Click here….
Infinite Ways to Infinite Bliss
(an excerpt from Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji’s discourses/essays)
Time to repay
None of us like to be debtors, but surprising as it may sound, every human being is a debtor right from his birth! So what are our debts?
The mother who bears us in her womb undergoes untold miseries in carrying and delivering us, which is no less than a second life for her. Our parents take care of us throughout our childhood, just as the eyelids guard the eyes. It is the child’s first duty to take care of his parents in their old age…
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Bharata Pradakshina – Rajasthan
The divine soil of Bharat has been fertile with innumerable saints from time immemorial. Such rare gems have been born all over Bharat. Many of them sang the glories of the Lord and were a living embodiment of Bhakti. The remarkable aspect of this is that although many of these saints were born in different centuries, their sayings have been consistent. Their only preaching to mankind is to chant the Names of the Lord. In this Bharata Pradakshina series, we periodically see briefly how every Indian state has been graced by ‘bhakta’ saints who glorified the easiest and the most effective path of chanting the Lord’s Names. And in this issue, we have Rajasthan!
Whenever a bhakta remembers the compassion of Lord Sri Krishna, immediately his mind is reminded of the great saints who lived every second of their lives thinking only about the Lord. Even among the great saints, only a few had the honor of merging with the Lord once their sojourn in this world ended. One of those rare gems is Meera Bai.
Mind and Matters – 5
Sleep—There’s More to it Than Meets The Eye
Some things around us, and events that happen to us clue us in now and then on the mysteries and secrets of life.
We often take them for granted and ignore the clues, but a deeper look into certain obvious natural phenomena helps in making headway into unraveling the answers to more serious questions in life. One such event is sleep.
Kids Crossword – “Ganesha”
With the Ganesh Chaturti falling on September 11th this month, lets revisit our basics on Ganesha as we wish Him a ‘Happy Birthday’! Try your hand at the crossword puzzle…
News and events of the month
Houston Namadwaar
August was an eventful month at the Namadwaar and for the Houston GOD Satsang.
The annual summer Gopa Kuteeram camp was held at Namadwaar from Aug 5-8. It was a huge success and saw participation from about 15 kids ranging from 3-13. Activities included Prabhodhanam, Dolotsavam, Yoga, Nagara Sankirtan, games, craftwork, group discussions, project presentations, Q&A session with Sri Ramanujamji, apart from a field trip to the museum of fine arts and a fun time at a swimming pool with enactment of Amrutha Mathanam story from Bhagavatam. Detailed Report and pictures…
Onam was celebrated at the Namadwaar on August 21st in a grand manner. Read about the celebrations..
On August 28th, GOD hosted a booth at Houston’s annual Janmashtami celebrations, which sees participation by thousands of people. check out the details.. A 3 day Akhanda Nama Sankirtan was also held during that weekend.
Other cities
In Seattle, the dancing peacock Puppet Company is fast becoming an established name and a great hit! They performed two puppet shows – “Krishna Provides” on August 17th at a birthday party, and the second ‘Tenali Rama’ at Sammamish Days, a city of Sammamish festival.
In Chicago, a Gopa Kuteeram was conducted on August 29th. Read the photo-report here
In Dallas, a kids summer camp was held from August 11-13. Detailed Report and pictures here…
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