
We began a new quiz series based on famous temples and monuments in India from Jan’2018. The third in this series is on the world-famous Udupi Sri Krishna Temple. Happy answering and learning! 1.  Name the state where Udupi temple is …


In a freely flowing conversation, Sri Swamiji answered four vital questions on our sampradayam (tradition) to a devotee, who questioned with humility and simplicity. This will be presented in four parts over the next four issues. Here is the third question. Devotee: Sri Swamiji, I have …


We began a new quiz series based on famous temples and monuments in India from Jan’2018. month. Happy answering and learning! The second in this series is on the world-famous Guruvayur Temple. 1. Name the state in India where Guruvayur temple …


In a freely flowing conversation, Sri Swamiji answered four vital questions on our sampradayam (tradition) to a devotee, who questioned with humility and simplicity. This will be presented in four parts over the next four issues. Here is the first question. …


A person comes to Satsang somehow because of some punya (merits). There he even gets the association of a Mahan. He even develops an incomprehensible attraction towards the saint. He listens to the nectarine devotional discourses showered by him; he …


Dear Diary, I am half-way through the 21 day challenge! The whole thanksgiving break, I have been spending mu time on satsang. Satsang is word from sanskrit meaning gathering for truth on God and more. They give lectures on God, speeches and discourses. On each day, from Monday to Friday, there were different competitions, which I participated in, and in some I volunteered too! I learned so much in all of those competitions, and I even won second place in one of them. I also made so many new friend. After listened to their discourse, as a person, I am sure that I have changed in a positive way. I could go on and on, and I am really thankful, and it was so worth my time to spend my time going to satsang and on my holidays.
With Love


My Dear Soul Mate, Radhe Radhe! It’s been a long time since we had a chat. How are you? Are you regular with your Bhagavata parayana, nama japa, pooja, and kirtan? Are you maintaining your health to do bhakti? Don’t …


With 50+ inches of rain in 4 days dropping 19 trillion gallons of water, 40000+ homes (and counting) destroyed, thousands of families displaced from their homes, all major rivers, levees, and bayous overflowing above record flood levels inundating everything in their …


Premika Varada and Madhurisakhi Gadhyams Every year we celebrate the Divine wedding of Lord Premika Varadan and Madhuri sakhi (Lord Krishna and Radha). This divine celebration is done along the lines of Bhagavata Sampradaya, a path of celebrating the Lord …


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