Sri Swamiji’s Kirtans

Premika Varada and Madhurisakhi Gadhyams Every year we celebrate the Divine wedding of Lord Premika Varadan and Madhuri sakhi (Lord Krishna and Radha). This divine celebration is done along the lines of Bhagavata Sampradaya, a path of celebrating the Lord …


Vedanta Athichoodi  “Athichoodi” is a type of poetic work (in Tamil) that comprises of a collection of one-line philosophical verses. The great devotee and poet Avvayar is known for using this form. Vedanta Athichoodi is Sri Swamiji’s work in Tamil …


Vaasudeva Parattatva Dashakam There are innumerable paths and many deities in our religion. Yet, if we closely look at our scriptures, they all talk about only One Supreme Lord! Even the wise saints who established the various faiths agree that …


Premika Varada Dashakam Last month, we saw Premika Varada Ashtakam, a set of 8 shlokas on Sri Swamiji’s puja murthi, Sri Premika Varadan. Sri Swamiji has also composed a different set of 10 shlokas on Sri Premika Varadan. Reciting these …


Sri Swamiji’s puja murthi is Lord Krishna and Radha who have manifested as Sri Premika Varadan and Sri Madhuri sakhi. Premika Varada means the one who bestows prema – pure and unconditional love. The Lord and His consort reside in …


In this new series beginning this month, we will present, each month,  divine verses and slokas of praise and prayer composed by His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. Sri Radhika Panchakam When a child wants something, it goes to …


In this series, we present, each month, a prayer kirtan composed by His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. These kirtans underline the importance of prayers and show us how to pray.  How do I ask, O Radhe? Eppadi Kettal …


The avatara purusha, Sage Veda Vyasa, the creator of the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Brahma Sutra, the Mahabharatha and several other pillars for the upkeep of Sanatana Dharma, was strangely left feeling that his purpose on the earth was still …


In this series, we present, each month, a prayer kirtan composed by His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. These kirtans underline the importance of prayers and show us how to pray. Oh Lord! Bestow a boon on me! ‘Mama …


In this series, we present, each month, a prayer kirtan composed by His Holiness Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. These kirtans underline the importance of prayers and show us how to pray. O Krishna! I Must Always be Devoted to …


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