Blog Archives

The Need of the Hour This article has been reproduced from its original publication on We live at a time when we have successfully reached Mars, and scientific advancements have progressed from micro to nanotechnology. However, a minute, invisible …


The ‘Mother’ holds a very high position in Sanatana Dharma. She is the epitome of selfless love and is revered immensely, both in society and by our scriptures. As per our scriptures the sanyasi does not bow down to anyone …


“Narayana! Narayana!” These words, heard in a slightly sing-song, lilting tone, brings to mind a chirpy yet mischievous image of Sage Narada walking in, strumming his inimitable tambura. Sage Narada’s countenance contradicts our notion of a ‘sage’ who we commonly …


On the occasion of Sri Swamiji’s jayanthi, re-publishing an article on the “Love of a Guru ” that was published earlier in the month of February 2013 –TO HAVE BEEN LOVED… AND TRULY LIVED!

For the practice of dhyana (meditation) and tapas (penance) solitude is necessary. There should be no sangam (association) with anyone. But while following the path of bhakti one cannot be in solitude. In bhakti, sangam is needed. Andal sings, “kUDi irundu kuLirndelor embAvAi” …


‘If only I had…’ Such a thought is a sure recipe for personal disaster. Even if the intention is noble, these words and this thought lead one to sorrow and inaction. One should never lament for not having for things …


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