Human Values

By the benign grace of Madhurisakhi Sametha Premika Varadan and with the blessings of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, Global Organization for Divinity USA (GOD USA) is pleased to launch the Global Nama Bhiksha App. If all the Love …


What I Wish to Never Forget! – By Sri Swamiji Many people say that during their visit abroad they had seen a park or a building or some event that turned to be an unforgettable matter in their life. Some …


Nivedita of India “Let me tell you frankly that I am now convinced that you have a great future in the work for India. What was wanted was not a man, but a woman – a real lioness – to …


Once Sri Swamiji was visiting the Namadwaars located in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu. At that time, a satsang was being conducted in the place that Sri Swamiji was then staying. A devotee from another town located a few …


This series chronicles sweet experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as some divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles are translations from the series “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month …


Transforming Tamas and Rajas – Sri Swamiji’s Beautiful Prayer There are three kinds of gunas (qualities) in all of creation, including in each one of us – Sattva (purity and virtue), Rajas (action and passion), and Tamas (lethargy and sloth). …


Protection from Infection of the Soul We now live in unprecedented times – strict social isolation, meticulous personal protection, and movement limited to only essential activities. It feels unnatural and bizarre. We earnestly pray to come out of this at …


Unity, Not Uniformity! Sri Swamiji’s address at an Interfaith Meet in Chennai Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji was invited to be the guest of honor at an Interfaith harmony meet organized by Muhalla Jamaat Association, Valarpirai Charity Organization and Association …


A Birthday Poem for Sri Guruji Dear Guruji, When it’s our birthday, you make us celebrate it joyfully You make us cut a cake and eat sweets You get us new clothes and have us go out to eat You …


Sri Swamiji’s Message of Universal Love Reverberates in the Australian Parliament Dr. Bhagyaji, personal secretary of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, was invited to speak at the Australian parliament on Oct 17, 2019, at the launch of the National …


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