
Several deities and paths are found only in our religion. To have innumerable gods and goddesses is pointed out to be a defect by some people. Why? A poor man looks at a huge mansion with many rooms and criticizes …


As we continue with the Panduranga bhakta series of quizzes, this month let’s learn more about the unique devotees who were not exactly Panduranga’s devotees in the traditional sense – Pundalika and Bhakta Narahari. 1. What does the term ‘Vithoba’ …


The Purpose of a Guru

This series chronicles interesting experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. These articles are translations from the series, “Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar” that is published every month in Madhuramurali Tamil monthly magazine.  The original article was written by Dr. …


Anuman Vazhi Thunai Aindhu Sri Swamiji has written a set of five verses in Tamil on Lord Hanuman, the foremost among the devotees of Lord Rama. With the Lord’s name on his lips, he is ever-ready to render service to …


(Counsel given by Sri Swamiji to a devotee from outside India. Reproduced by Dr. Bhagyanathan ji in the June 2017 issue of Madhuramurali monthly magazine) The greatest treasure bestowed on each and every one of us by the Lord is …


Vaasudeva Parattatva Dashakam There are innumerable paths and many deities in our religion. Yet, if we closely look at our scriptures, they all talk about only One Supreme Lord! Even the wise saints who established the various faiths agree that …


The power of Nama is one that can perform even the most miraculous of wonders. As Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji has said, “Chanting the Divine Names loudly purifies the chanter, the listener and the very place where the chanting is done.” One …


Kenguvarpatti Gopi  Many years ago, once, when Sri Swamiji was sitting in the Bhagavatha Bhavanam, a young man with thick hair was standing at a distance and shedding tears looking at Swamiji. Swamiji noticed his devotion and called him and …


1. Who was Kanhopatra’s mother? A. Shyama B. Radhe C. Sachi Devi 2. Kanhopatra was a dancer by profession. Which king invited her to perform in his court? A. King of Mithila B. King of Badar C. King of Rajasthan …


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