Adhenna Pazhama – Part 2 We shall relish, little by little, the rasa in Sri Madhurageethams, compositions of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, in the form of ‘questions to relish’, which we call as a ‘quelish’, as shared by …
From this month, in this series of “Answers and Beyond”, we shall read, understand and enjoy Sri Swamiji’s lucid answers to some thought-provoking questions posed by various devotees. Sri Swamiji’s Answers to Questions Asked by Devotees Question: What is the …
From this month, in this series of “Answers and Beyond”, we shall read, understand and enjoy Sri Swamiji’s vivid answers to some thought-provoking questions posed by various devotees. Sri Swamiji’s Answers to Questions Asked by Devotees Question: Why does it …
This series was originally published in Tamil MadhuraMurali monthly magazine in India, as a 12-part series. Based on Sri Swamiji’s Madhurageetham, “Govindanukku Aatpatta Kudumbamamma Engal Kudumbam”, it speaks beautifully of how the family members of our satsang lead/need to lead …
Surrender by the Wives of Kaliya The all-merciful Bhagavan has played infinite leelas in the lives of His devotees. Many a time, out of His own accord, He has intervened in the lives of many beings, bestowing His grace upon …
This series was originally published in Tamil MadhuraMurali monthly magazine in India, as a 12-part series. Based on Sri Swamiji’s Madhurageetham, “Govindanukku Aatpatta Kudumbamamma Engal Kudumbam”, it speaks beautifully of how the family members of our satsang lead / need …
Tukkiri Paati, a lady devotee whose life was entirely transformed simply by the power of the Divine Name. Please listen to Sri Ramanujamji’s discourse on Tukkiri Paati and then answer these questions: 1. Name the birth town of Tukkiri …
Gopa Kuteeram kids around the US are being taught stories from Srimad Bhagavatam, Srimad Ramayanam and Bhakta Charitrams as part of their regular classes and are encouraged to write what they learned. The following article is from Fremont, CA Gopa …