Faith is defined as the complete belief we have in someone or something. It is essential for pursuing worldly goals as well as in spiritual practice. Faith is, in fact, the fundamental requirement for Bhakti. When one does not have …
We use the word “Grace” very frequently. But what does it really mean and how do we know its existence? Can we actually perceive it? And more importantly, how can we be so sure that we are not imagining it? We …
An entire plane filled with passengers disappears, never to be found again. It could be a plane we are on. A sudden tornado kills people in a neighborhood. It could be our neighborhood. There’s a shooting in an elementary school; …
Devotion is said to be acquired by listening to the glories of the Lord. Even better is to listen to the stories of the great devotees. Here is the story of King Ambareesha, who, though he had inherited the entire Earth and possessed unrivaled power, had exceptional devotion towards the Lord.
Learnings from Srimad Bhagavatam Bhagavata Dharma is the easiest and yet the most secretive dharma or path to God. Here, the devotee finds refuge in the Lord and spends every moment in His constant remembrance. In Srimad Bhagavatam, Lord Yama …
Everyone knows what he should be. What someone is and what he should be are never the same. There is always a gap. When someone is not what he should be, he becomes miserable and angry; and he feels jealous …
Pages of Inspiration – Book Review Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai First Edition:1972 Among the sixteen monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Ramakrishnanda stands out for his intense Guru bhakti. He was the only one of the disciples who, …