Blog Archives

Sincere prayers are always answered. Only, the answer may not be in the manner or in the time that we expect. And in fact, only with the grace of God can we even realize that our prayers have actually been …


Our scriptures say: kalau kalmasha chithAnAm pApadravyopa jIvinAm | vidhikriya vihInAnAm gathi: govinda kIrtanam || “In the age of Kali, when all human beings are afflicted with various forms of mental illness and lead a sinful life, singing Govinda’s names …


India is an ancient land and acknowledged down the ages as the spiritual capital of the world. People from around the world have visited (and continue to visit) India for answers to lofty questions beyond the ken of material understanding. …


On January 1 every year, His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji conducts a Mahamantra Mass Prayer in a various cities in India. This year, the fortunate place was Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. The event was attended by 5000 people and …


kshaNArdhenApi tulye na svargam nApunarbhavam | bhagavat sangi sangasya martyAnAm kimutAshiSha: || Sri Rudra says, “The value of a moment’s association with the devotee of the Lord cannot be compared to the heavens or even Liberation, and so what to speak …


It’s that time of the year again when people across the US gather together to thank God for his bounty: Thanksgiving Day! A happy time for gratitude, celebration and appreciation of all that Bhagavan continues to do for us. In …


Our birthdays are celebrated within our circle of family and friends. Birthdays of leaders and politicians are celebrated by larger groups of people and by entire regions. The birthday of a motherland is celebrated by an entire nation. Festive days …


Fall brings color to the world. Trees everywhere turn golden, brown, red and yellow, making even mundane surroundings suddenly rich with beauty. Fall is also a season of celebrations across the world—right from fall festivals, Oktoberfest and Halloween in the …


A person was once given some sweet prasad (consecrated offering) in a bag. The man placed it in a corner, with the intention of eating it a little later. A few minutes later he turned to find a whole horde …


As age catches up, people realize the transient nature of all things they aspired for. Fame, beauty and wealth did not provide the permanent satisfaction they sought, and now have been replaced with wrinkles, fear and ill-health. Generally, elderly people …


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