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Life of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Illustrated Series – Part 2
Story Time Life of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Illustrated Series – Part 2
Life of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Illustrated Series – Part 1
Story Time Life of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Illustrated Series – Part 1
Youth Contribution Rishabhadeva Rishabhadeva is one of Bhagavan’s popular 24 avatars. His story or charitra is told in the fifth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. Svayambhuvamanu had two sons, Priyavratha and Utthanapada. Rishabhadeva came in Priyavratha’s lineage. Priyavratha’s eldest son was …
King Prithu had a son named Vijithaashva. Vijithaashva had 2 sons Shikandi and Nabasvathi. Shikandi’s sons were Paavaka, Pavamaana, and Suchi (who were Agni devatas). Nabasvathi had a son named Havirdhana. One of Havirdhana’s sons was Barhishad. Barhishad was attracted …
The story of Dhruva teaches us how Vairagya and Bhakti are the solution to our problems and it will lead us to god. Such Vairagya and Bhakti can only be attained with the help of a Guru. Dhruva’s guru was …
Once there lived a Brahmin named Ajamila. He was a good person who read many scriptures and good values taught by his pious parents. His parents did many poojas and the family was very well devoted. Every day Ajamila went …
King Priyavrata was an important figure in Indian history. He was one of the sons of Manu, the first human of the Swayambhuva manvantara. He led the dynasty of many other great kings such as King Rishabhadeva and King Bharata. He is …
King Prithu was a descendant of Dhruva. After being informed that the people in his land were suffering from lack of food, strength, and happiness, he became disheartened. Mother Earth came to him in the form of a cow and …
Bhagavan’s Purpose for the Varaha Avatar
Krishna Prasad Ram, 13, gives us a short and sweet account of why and how the Lord had to descend as a wild boar. In his own inimitable style, he speaks about Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu and underlines the Lord’s compassion and grace. Varaha is an avatara of Leela (divine plays). Don’t miss the divine play of Lord Varaha in the life of Sri Swamiji as well!