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Every incarnation taken by Bhagawan is to establish dharma – dharma samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge. Rama and Krishna are called ‘poorna avatharams’ where Vishnu takes form directly and all the powers of God are fully manifested. Ekantha Bhakthas of Krishna (Devotees with one-pointed …
Sage Shuka was the son of Sage Veda Vyasa, and the narrator of the Bhagavata Purana. Sage Shuka was a garbha-shriman – one who was born a self-realized soul. So how was the renowned sage born? Sage Shuka was Radha …
The Story of Parikshit
After the Mahabharata war, full of anger, Ashwathama wanted to destroy the Kuru Dynasty. He knew Uttara was expecting a baby who would be so far the last prince of the Kurus. If he killed the baby, the Kurus will …
Young Reader’s Contribution Srimad Bhagavatam is a gem given to us by the Lord Himself. It is verily Radha Krishna swaroopam. It teaches us to live our life the proper way. In the tree of our Vedas and Upanishads Srimad …
Young Gopal was struggling. He was having a hard time understanding some math concepts, unlike some of his classmates. He was dejected. He ran to the pooja room and asked the lovely deities of Radha and Krishna silently, “Krishna! Are …
Govardhan Lila
This is the story of how Lord Krishna effortlessly lifted the Govardhana hill to protect the Gopas and Gopis for seven days from the heavy rains summoned by Indra. From this story we will also learn how Lord Krishna got …
In the earlier ages, there was an asura king called Mahabali. His kingdom covered Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld. Although he was an asura, he had a reputation for being benevolent and very helpful to his subjects, unlike his relatives. …
Once upon a time, there lived a dancer called Shyama. Shyama earned her livelihood by dancing for rich men of the town. One day, she gave birth to a little girl called Kanhopatra. When she was young, she met a …
In Srimad Ramayanam in Yuddha Kandam, Vibhishana, the half-brother of Ravana, lists out bad omens occurring in the city and advises Ravana to restore Sita to Rama. Ravana turns a deaf ear to Vibhishana and sends him away. Ravana goes …
Who has a place in heaven?
Once a scholar, a priest and a peasant stood at the gates of heaven. The guard at the entrance stopped them and said, “To enter heaven, list the good deeds you have done.” The scholar answered, “I am a highly …