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We see the World as We Are!
Inner Transformation Series
Why can’t things ever be smooth for me?
Why do I always land a cussed deal in everything?
Why is the world such a tough place to live in?
Does this rant sound familiar? We are often dissatisfied or frustrated with our situation and the people around us, and wish that they would change.
How do we change the world?… Click here to learn how.
Rudra Gitam: A Hidden Gem
Srimad Bhagavatam shows us through many instances that the Spiritual Master – the Guru – serves as the bridge for one to reach the Divine. The Guru shows the spiritual aspirant how to contemplate on the Lord in order to have His vision and when the Lord reveals Himself, what should the aspirant seek from Him.
In the 24th chapter of the 4th Canto, Bhagavatam reveals a unique Guru, who is none but Lord Shiva, who leads the spiritual aspirants to the Holy Feet of the Lord. His sermon is called the Rudra Gitam.
Read about the beautiful Rudra Gitam here.
Answers and Beyond
Spiritual questions answered by HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji
Q: For over a long period of time many Gurus and Sages have come and gone. There have been innumerable disciples for these Gurus. These disciples were, no doubt, devoted their Gurus, but when they move into the world, become hard-hearted, corrupt and materialistic. Why can the Gurus not change at least 10% of their disciples ?
Click here to read the answer to this question.
Mahakavi Kalidas
Children’s story
Kalidasa was a renowned classical Sanskrit poet recognized for valuable contributions to Sanskrit literature. But Kalidas was not always a genius!
Click here to read more about him.
Kids’ Quiz
This month the auspicious occasion of Tulasi Kalyanam or Tulasi Vivah is celebrated across the world by Hindus. Tulasi is a holy plant who is considered to be an incarnation of the Lord’s consort. The plant is worshiped and revered by Hindus and also has a lot of medicinal properties scientifically. Let’s test your knowledge about Tulasi.
Click here to take the quiz.
News of the month
**Sri Ramanujam ji continued to conducted various satsangs and workshops in different parts of the US. Click below to read the reports of events conducted in October:
Inner Transformation lecture series
Bhakti the Path of Divine Love
Namasankirtan an Elixir for All
Madhurasmrithi satsang at Richmond
Transformational Leadership workshop
Madhura Utsav in Richmond
Satsang at Centerville
New York/New Jersey
Satsang at Sri Ranganatha Swamy Temple at Pomona, NY
Bhagavatha Dharma at Guruvayoorappan Temple, NJ
Farewell Satsang in NY
Boston/New Hampshire
Inner Transformation Series at Dwarkamai Vidyapeeth, Billerica, MA
Madhura Utsav in Quincy, MA
Youth Leadership Workshop at Nashua, NH
Satsang at Nashua temple, NH
Gopa Kuteeram at Nashua, NH
Inner Transformation Lecture Series at Milwaukee, WI
Madhurasmrithi in Minneapolis
Nadopasana and Krishna Leela at Minneapolis
Happiness at Work at Best Buy, Minneapolis
Deepotsav and Sloka Competition
Bhagavata Dharma Retreat
3-Day Lecture Series on Path to Happiness
Guru Mahima lecture
Gopa Kuteeram Annual Day Celebrations
Sri Swamiji’s Jayanthi Celebrations
Chicago Youth Leadership Workshop
Sri Swamiji’s Jayanthi Celebrations at Paduka Dham, Boston
Vishnu Sahasranamam Anniversary Satsang
Happiness at Work, Intel, Boston
Houston Youth Leadership Workshop
Houston Inner Transformation Workshop for Adults
3-Day KrishnArpanam Satsang series
**Life and Soul Health Fair at Houston, TX
Upcoming Events
GOD USA welcomes Sri M. K. Ramanujam, disciple of HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji
Sri M. K. Ramanujam is currently visiting different cities in the USA, and conducting discourses, mass prayers, secular workshops and corporate programs. Click here to read a brief profile of Sri Ramanujam.
Upcoming Schedule:
Nov 22 – 25, 5:30 pm: “A celebration in divinity” – discourses on Krishna Leela at DFW Hindu Temple, Irving TX
Nov 24, 10 am: Inner Transformation Adult Workshop @ William Cozby Library Hall, Coppell, TX.
Nov 30 – Dec 2, 6 pm: “Inner Transformation through Bhagavata Dharma” discourses at Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple, Frisco, TX
Dec 1, 10 am: Youth Leadership Workshop @ Harrington Library Hall, Plano, TX.
Contact: 1 (830) 446 3325,
Dec 4, 9 AM — Inner Transformation and Meditation Workshop at Melvin Knapp Senior Center, Pearland TX
Contact: Sriram 832-515-1251,
Dec 8, 10 AM – 2 PM – Inner Transformation workshop for adults at San Jose Evergreen Library.
Contact: Ramya Srinivasan 408-431-5688,
Dec 13-19, 6:30 to 8:30 pm: Srimad Bhagavata Saptaham discourse series, Sri Balaji Temple of Great Lakes, 3325 Middle Belt Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Contact: Sridhar Venkatachari 248-390-6534, Navin Aminha 248-252-2347
Dec 21-28 — Srimad Bhagavata Saptaha Mahotsava
Daily Bhagavata Parayanam, Purappadu, Kirtans, Guru Smaranam, Children’s performances and more: Houston Namadwaar, 3642 Bailey Ave, Manvel TX 77578
Daily Srimad Bhagavata Pravachan by Sri Ramanujam ji, Dec 21-27: Sri Meenakshi Temple, Pearland TX
Contact: Jeevan Santha 281-573-8087, Sriram 832-515-1251;
Click here to see the complete schedule of Sri Ramanujam ji and check out the event flyers.
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