
Youth Contribution Mahendranath Gupta and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Gopa Kuteeram kids around the US are being taught stories from Srimad Bhagavatam, Srimad Ramayanam, and stories of great Bhaktas as part of their regular classes and are encouraged to write what they …


“I Am Awed!” Hindu Youth Q & A Series Body, mind, and the soul – are these three different? Do they all refer to the same “me”? and what happens after death? A series of “Little Questions and Lucid Answers” …


Youth Contribution Lord Ganesha and the Saint of Kanchi Gopa Kuteeram kids around the US are being taught stories from Srimad Bhagavatam, Srimad Ramayanam, and stories of great Bhaktas as part of their regular classes and are encouraged to write …


Madhurageetham Series Brahma Stuti – Part 4 Srimad Bhagavata Purana is an elixir in this age of Kali.  Srimad Bhagavatam is the ambrosia for the minds of those who have once tasted but a drop of the nectar from this …


HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, time and again has talked about how we need to have patience and how we should continue to persevere and not falter while trying to reach our goal. In his recent pravachans on Srimad …


Here’s what the Madhurageetham Fiesta is all about! It is a free, fun family quiz event based on Madhurageethams, compositions of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji. It is an online event. Welcoming participants from anywhere in the world to …


Highlights from this discourse: – Sadananda talks about the greatness of Sage Vishwamitra at King Janaka’s yagnashala. – King Vishwamitra desires to possess Kamadhenu during his visit to Sage Vasishta. Why? What does he do to get Kamadhenu? – King …


From the Guru, with love – Sri Swamiji’s Daily Discourses on Facebook A Guru is never fair. Thankfully. If he was, then what hope do we undeserving children have? Do any of us truly deserve a fair share of the …


A lucky group of youngsters from around North America have the fortune of interacting regularly with Sri Ramanujamji, as part of GOD North America’s Yuva Bhagavatam group. These youngsters, ranging in age from 13 to 24, are part of this …


Madhuram Madhuram Gurunathan Madhuram Time and again, our Sanatana Dharma emphasizes the great need for a spiritual master in the life of a true aspirant.  The scriptures, of course, encompass all spiritual knowledge a seeker can think of.  They are …


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