
A Birthday Poem for Sri Guruji Dear Guruji, When it’s our birthday, you make us celebrate it joyfully You make us cut a cake and eat sweets You get us new clothes and have us go out to eat You …


Sri Swamiji’s Message of Universal Love Reverberates in the Australian Parliament Dr. Bhagyaji, personal secretary of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, was invited to speak at the Australian parliament on Oct 17, 2019, at the launch of the National …


On the occasion of Sri Swamiji’s jayanthi, re-publishing an article on the “Love of a Guru ” that was published earlier in the month of February 2013 –TO HAVE BEEN LOVED… AND TRULY LIVED!

What is Meditation, Again? Nowadays, quite often, we hear and learn about meditation in every walk of life. In earlier times, only spiritually-minded people spoke and preached about meditation. But today, all international companies ask their employees to undergo a …


The Essentiality of Listening It is very hard for the mind to be focused on something divine when it is used to delving into worldly things for several crores of births. Everyone who falters knows very well that what they …


What is Satsang? Why Do We Need It? Sri Adi Shankara in his song, Bhaja Govindam, explains the greatness of satsang (association with sadhus or the Guru) in the lines – “satsangatvE nissangatvam, nissangatvE nirmOhatvam | nirmOhatvE nishchalatatvam, nishchalatatvE jIvanmuktihi ||” …


In this Dark Age of selfishness and greed – when we as mankind are primarily looking to fulfill only our own desires for greater pleasure and physical comfort in all spheres of life – we humans have completely lost touch …


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