Blog Archives

To enter into the path of bhakti is rare. And even rarer is to sustain that bhakti and to progress in it. To sustain and progress is key. How can we do that? For this, the only thing we need …


“If only I had…” This is a sure recipe for personal disaster. Even if the intention is noble, these words and thoughts lead one to sorrow and inaction. One should not lament for not having things that are presently beyond …


Sri Ramanujamji landed in the USA in the beginning of February 2020. For the first month and a half, he traveled around the USA visiting devotees in various cities, enlivening their lives with Sri Swamiji’s inspiring message and his association. …


Sri Vamana Bhagavan was born to mother Athithi Devi on the Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapad month under the Shravana Nakshathra , Dwadasi thithi  . This year on this occasion of Vamana Jayanthi let us reminisce the wonderful story of Vamana …


Social Isolation | Divine Association In this time of social isolation, we have been blessed with an immense opportunity to aid our spiritual growth through divine association. With the divine blessings of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, we have …


Kubera’s sons’ Prayer Last month, we enjoyed the Damodara Leela, in which the Lord got himself bound to the mortar by his mother. The Lord then dragged the mortar in between two Arjuna trees and as a result, the two …


“Narayana! Narayana!” These words, heard in a slightly sing-song, lilting tone, brings to mind a chirpy yet mischievous image of Sage Narada walking in, strumming his inimitable tambura. Sage Narada’s countenance contradicts our notion of a ‘sage’ who we commonly …


Madhurageetham : Sri Krishna Leela 11 Mrith Bakshana Leela (Eating Mud) Last month, we saw how the entire Gokula rejoiced in the mischievous butter stealing pranks of Lord Krishna and Balarama. The Gopis, under the pretext of complaining to Mother …


Madhuragitam : Sri Krishna Leela 10 Ariya Siruvan Amma – My Son is Innocent! “tava kathAmrutam tapta jIvanam…” {Srimad Bhagavatam, 10th Canto, Chapter 31} “Krishna your stories are so nectarine, they are our sole refuge and the only basis for …


Youth Contribution Jadabharata and King Rahugana There was once a great king called Bharata. He was a very righteous king, and ruled for many years. The land (now called India) got the name of ‘Bhaarata varsha’ because of this King …


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