Human Values

Story Time There once was a boy who loved eating sweets. He always asked for sweets from his father. His father was a poor man. He could not always afford to buy sweets. But the little boy did not understand …


All Mahans – great yogis, jnanis and bhaktas who renounced the whole world for spiritual prowess, for Self-Knowledge, for the sake of their Lord – have nevertheless had a soft corner for their mothers. Sri Adi Shankara, the great Jnani …


Sankar was a handsome young boy. He was also intelligent and of good character. But he was very lazy. He woke up only at 8 o’clock from his bed. Due to laziness he did not attend to his own work. …


Excerpts from Jan 1, 2013 Mass Prayer conducted by HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji The holy land of Bharat is home to a multitude of great scriptures ranging from the Upanishads, the Puranas, Itihasas to the divine pasurams of Azhwars …


The purpose of all mind quests is to stop that very questioning mind. The purpose of all action is to nullify the results of past actions. The purpose of all efforts is freedom. The purpose of all learning is to …


His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, in his kirtan “Ashtadalapoo”, beautifully speaks about the eight-petalled flower with which one has to worship the Lord. Each petal he refers to here is a quality that the worshipper should possess: Forgiveness, Truth, …


August is “back to school” month in the USA, as children everywhere prepare to begin a new school year. School and college education play a very important role in today’s world. And especially among Indians, it forms the very fabric …


We all know the story of little Dhruva, who did intense tapas and saw the Lord, and eventually became the Dhruva star alongside the Saptarishi mandala. But how did he get to see the Lord in such a young age? …


Sincere prayers are always answered. Only, the answer may not be in the manner or in the time that we expect. And in fact, only with the grace of God can we even realize that our prayers have actually been …


Once Sage Durvasa visited Hastinapura with thousands of his disciples. Duryodhana and rest of the Kauravas received him with respect, honored him and served them all humbly. Sage Durvasa was very pleased by the Kauravas’ hospitality and blessed them. When …


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