
Madhurageetham Series Brahma Stuti – Part 3 In the last few episodes of the Madhurageetham Dasama skandam series (Madhurageetham songs based on leelas in Canto 10) we have been delving deep into a few nectarine verses of Brahma Stuti in …


Madhurageetham Series Brahma Stuti – Part 2 In the Madhurageetham Dasama skandam series (Madhurageetham songs based on leelas in Canto 10), we were enjoying Brahma mohana leela, specifically, some important slokas from Brahma stuti. This month, we will take another …


Gopa Kuteeram kids around the US are being taught stories from Srimad Bhagavatam, Srimad Ramayanam and Bhakta Charitrams as part of their regular classes and are encouraged to write what they learned. The following article is from Fremont, CA Gopa …


Brahma Mohana Lila Last month, we saw how the Lord enjoyed vana-bhojanam with his friends and vanquished Agasura, the python. Sri Shuka concluded the lila stating that the boys reported the killing of the demon Agasura in their respective households …


Vana Bhojana Leela Last month we saw how the little Gopas of Vrindavan enjoyed Supreme Bliss being with Lord Krishna, who being the Lord of the Universe, joined them in their play, like an ordinary boy. We also reminisced about …


Krishna proceeds to Vrindavan to graze cows! –   PurappadugindrAn Kannan Last month, we enjoyed the go-charana (cow grazing) leelas of Lord Krishna with his friends. This month, we shall enjoy the leela of the Lord on one such day when …


Childhood pastimes of Lord Sri Krishna and Balramji in Vraja In Krishna avatara, Bhagavan’s lilas can be categorized as Brindavana leelas, Mathura and Dwaraka leelas, Hasthinapura and Indraprastha leelas. Brindavana, Mathura and Dwaraka leelas are described in detail in Srimad …


Your Mind is verily Brindavan! Last few months, we have been enjoying various kirtans of Sri Swamiji on the Holy Land of Brindavan, where Lord Krishna has sported innumerable pastimes. The entire soil of Brindavan has the imprints of the …


Madhurageetham – Sri Krishna Leela 16 O Mind, Fly to Brindavan For the past two months, we have been relishing Sri Swamiji’s songs on the grandeur, beauty, and sanctity of Brindavan – a land devoid of animosity, greed, and jealousy. …


The Holy Land of Brindavan  Last month, we enjoyed how the Lord blessed the fruit-seller lady. After that, seeing all the dangers in Gokula, Nanda Baba, along with his minister Upananda held council and decided to move away from Gokula …


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