
Let us say that a person when asked, “What are you about to do?” says “I am going to meditate on Krishna.” This is, indeed, something delightful. However, if he merely focuses his gaze on a beautiful form of Krishna …


Human birth is rare indeed! Adi Sankara says: ‘jantu nAm nara janma durlabham!’ (of all births it is human birth that is the rarest). ‘aridu aridu mAnidarAi pirathal aridu’ (rare indeed it is to be born as a human), says …


“My true devotee celebrates festivals for me in grand splendor with music, kirtan and discourses.  He celebrates me with enthusiasm by taking me on processions and singing my divine Names”, so says Lord Krishna to Uddhava.  When one visits Madhurapuri Ashram …


It’s almost 26 years since our Madhurapuri Ashram was established. Although we have always been celebrating the birthday of Bhagavan, this is the 25th year after starting of the grand 10-day celebration of Janmashtami. The number of years is a …


Krishna Prasad Ram, 13, gives us a short and sweet account of why and how the Lord had to descend as a wild boar. In his own inimitable style, he speaks about Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu and underlines the Lord’s compassion and grace. Varaha is an avatara of Leela (divine plays). Don’t miss the divine play of Lord Varaha in the life of Sri Swamiji as well!


Dear Satsang Brethren, As devotees of Lord Krishna, devotees of Sri Swamiji and inspired satsang participants, we come to our satsangs and to Namadwaar, to experience the company of our beloved Lord and Master. Yes, we are 10,000 miles away …


This month’s quiz is on the famous Archeological and Architectural sites of Belur and Halebidu, located a few hours drive from Bengaluru.     1. Which prominent empire/dynasty constructed the temples at Belur and Halebidu? a. Chozha dynasty b. Hoysala …


We began a new quiz series based on famous temples and monuments in India from Jan’2018. The third in this series is on the world-famous Udupi Sri Krishna Temple. Happy answering and learning! 1.  Name the state where Udupi temple is …


In a freely flowing conversation, Sri Swamiji answered four vital questions on our sampradayam (tradition) to a devotee, who questioned with humility and simplicity. This will be presented in four parts over the next four issues. Here is the third question. Devotee: Sri Swamiji, I have …


Rathanakar was a thief who was living in the forest with his family. He used to kill animals, robbed people to earn a living. One day, Sage Narada passed by the forest where Rathnakar was living. Sage Narada always chanted …


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