
On the auspicious Ashada month, let’s enjoy a quiz on the women saints of Pandharpur. 1. Janabai was a great devotee of Lord Panduranga. Who came to help her with the household chores? a. Her friend, Meera b. Her neighbor, …


Ashadha Ekadashi Pandharpur Wari – A Pilgrimage of Devotion and Joy Ashadhi Ekadashi, which typically falls in the month of July, is very auspicious and special for the devotees of Lord Vitthala of Pandharpur. The devotees take part in their …


Surrender by the Wives of Kaliya The all-merciful Bhagavan has played infinite leelas in the lives of His devotees. Many a time, out of His own accord, He has intervened in the lives of many beings, bestowing His grace upon …


Madhurageetham Series Kaliya Nardhanam Last month, we concluded the Brahma Mohana Leela. After the Brahma Mohana Leela, life in Brindavan continued. The Gopas enjoyed the blissful company of Lord Krishna and Balarama during the day when they took the cows …


Cherished Memoirs 91 – My Guru As I See Him Arunachaleshwara’s Grace This series chronicles sweet experiences recounted by the devotees of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji as well as some divine experiences of Sri Swamiji himself. These articles …


Gopa Kuteeram kids around the US are being taught stories from Srimad Bhagavatam, Srimad Ramayanam and Bhakta Charitrams as part of their regular classes and are encouraged to write what they learned. The following article is from Fremont, CA Gopa …


Childhood pastimes of Lord Sri Krishna and Balramji in Vraja In Krishna avatara, Bhagavan’s lilas can be categorized as Brindavana leelas, Mathura and Dwaraka leelas, Hasthinapura and Indraprastha leelas. Brindavana, Mathura and Dwaraka leelas are described in detail in Srimad …


Your Mind is verily Brindavan! Last few months, we have been enjoying various kirtans of Sri Swamiji on the Holy Land of Brindavan, where Lord Krishna has sported innumerable pastimes. The entire soil of Brindavan has the imprints of the …


Madhurageetham – Sri Krishna Leela 16 O Mind, Fly to Brindavan For the past two months, we have been relishing Sri Swamiji’s songs on the grandeur, beauty, and sanctity of Brindavan – a land devoid of animosity, greed, and jealousy. …


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